sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2008


A compilation of some interesting references about three topics related to the new digital world: eCommerce, eTVeWork; particularized for Spain



Now it is posible to buy online many things.

Groceries (http://www.citylogo.es/supermercados.aspx): Recently groceries have joined this trend, but still having an extra cost that stores claim as preparation and delivery expenses (however it seems they do not take into account real state savings, shelves sorting,…):

*Hipercor/El Corte Ingles: http://www.hipercor.es/hipercor/frameset.asp 902 66 70 72 (free >120€ with loyalty card or pick up in store. Otherwise 6€)

*Froiz: https://compraonline.froiz.com/ 4€<=50,3€>50,2€>100,1€ pick-up

*Mercadona: https://www.mercadona.es/entrada.php 7,21€

*Not in my city yet (Valladolid): Carrefour (groceries - http://www.alimentacion.carrefour.es/), Eroski (groc. - http://www.compraonline.grupoeroski.com

Others not available: gadis(supposed to be the cheapest store according to Gov stats), El Arbol, Día, Lidl

However it has to be noted that existing ones lack detailed description of products (i.e. ingredients), like in WalMart that curiously is still only trialling (beta) with online shopping for groceries section


For non-groceries, eCommerce is much more extended, e.g. Carrefouronline: http://www.carrefouronline.carrefour.es/noalimentacion/HomeTecnologia.aspx


However, there are some products that are more difficult to buy online like: parapharmacy, ligth bulbs,... (of course there has not been an exhaustive search to prove this…)


Finally some general stats about eCommerce in Spain: "Spain has a challenge to overcome in eCommerce: only 49% of enterprises has corporate web, 39% buys online and only 7% sells online [source Information Society Report'08 Telefonica: 2.1.5 Comercio electrónico http://e-libros.fundacion.telefonica.com/sie08/aplicacion_sie/ParteA/contenidos/02_01.html ]



eWork: (telecommuting and virtual teams)

A very efficient and productive way of working (from home), increasing the life quality. Number of teleworkers steadily increasing. Just try it and you will never stop:) IT tools can make you feel as if you were in the office (telepresence, collaborative work tools,...)


Telework (telecommuting, remote virtual teams,...) means a revolution in the way of working using off-the-shelf technologies generally available. By reducing or even fully removing the need to travel for work purposes, it certainly saves large amounts of time and money (real state,...). Besides these two clear quantifiable benefits it also increases productivity (stress and tiredness caused by travel, decreases office noise) while improving the personal life balance and contributing to the environmental preservation (diminishing personal CO2 footprint) and reduced traffic accident risk. These huge advantages can only be enjoyed with advanced IT tools that virtually resemble face-to-face meeting environments beyond plain audio or videoconference.

All references below prove these statements and show that telework is a global trend representing a huge growth opportunity. E.g. a recent ranking of "best places to work"showed that telework (together with conciliation) is what employees most value; also the use of technology in meetings save 20% in travel

Telework is basically about enhanced communications and represent therefore the core essence of the telco business.

There are some commercial offers around telework solutions but with a limited/basic offer, just based on VPN connectivity through ADSL.

Different legislative initiatives are undergoing in several countries to oblige enteprises to offer this way of work to their employees. When approved on a general basis the telework business case will certainly boost even more.

Moreover surveys of teleworkers indicate a maximum level of satisfaction: once you have it you never leave it


Some stats:



--two thirds of the UK work force wants to be working from home by 2012

--37% UK workers only consider roles offering flexible working

--number of UK teleworkers climbed from 2.3 million to 3.1 million, or about 8 percent of all UK-based workers, between 1997 and 2005. National legislation mandating that employers consider flexible work arrangements for parents of children under six year

---British Telecom, which has 80,000 employees, found productivity rose 31 per cent among its 9,000 teleworkers, due to lack of disruptions, stress and commuting time.


--number of telecommuters in the US is around 25 million telecommuters In raw numbers, the US might have more telecommuters than Europe, but other data suggests that the US workplace culture might lag on a percentage basis. A mid-2007 Dimension Data survey


--In Japan, another culture notable for long hours, private firms and the Japanese government are encouraging increased telecommuting to enhance work/family balance. In February 2007, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported the national government planned to offer t

-Savings (money, time, sustainability,...)

--33 million of teleworkers (US): could reduce Gulf oil imports by 24 to 48%, reduce greenhouse gases by up to 67 million metric tons a year, and save as much as 7.5 billion gallons of gasoline each year; avoid 154 billion miles of driving and save $25 bi

--teleworkers would enjoy the equivalent of an extra 5 workweeks of free time each year

--By 2008, 41 million corporate employees globally will spend at least one day a week

teleworking, and 100 million will work from home at least one day a month.


Commercial offers:

An integrated/advanced telework solution with collaborative work and virtual meeting tools, domestic telepresence systems, connection with facility based videoconference rooms, bidirectional broadband (uplink). A truly real office experience without moving

Important aspects for the definition of the service include customer orientation, remove culture barriers that hinder telework, a scorecard to show the productivity benefits,…

No full-fledged offering found in the market yet:

-Verizon launched a basic telecommuting service back in 2000 [http://www.networkworld.com/news/2000/1004verizon.html]

-Microsoft Office Live Meeting




*Telework Association http://www.tca.org.uk/ , http://www.tca.org.uk/magazine.html (until winter'07) 7,000 people and organisations have joined us since we started in 1993; collaboration Future Work Forum ; The Teleworking Handbook which has already sold 10,000 copies. £34.50 per year


*Goth, Greg, "News," Distributed Systems Online, IEEE , vol.9, no.1, pp.2-2, Jan. 2008 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/8968/4455611/04455613.pdf?tp=&isnumber=4455611&arnumber=4455613 -> Gajendran and Harrison "The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown about Telecommuting: Meta-Analysis of Psychological Mediators and Individual Consequences." http://www.apa.org/journals/releases/apl9261524.pdf

*[Affiniti (communications integrator); Telework Association, the UK's telecommuting advocacy organization http://www.tca.org.uk/resources/magazine/21CworkerMagazineWinter07.pdf]

*[Research conducted by Kate Lister and Tom Harnish in 2008][IEEE]


*[Gartner 9/05 http://www.gartner.com/resources/122200/122284/teleworking_the_quiet_revolu_122284.pdf]

*[http://www.telcoa.org/id33.htm Telework Coalition: many more facts can be found here]

*[Australia forecast http://www.marketresearch.com/map/prod/1060695.html]

*RANKING DE LAS MEJORES COMPAÑÍAS PARA TRABAJAR: 'Un empleado contento es más productivo', El 'teletrabajo' y la conciliación es de lo más valorado, El uso de la tecnología en reuniones ahorra un 20% el gasto en viajes


*telework Spanish PA Ministery (Plan Concilia): http://www.map.es/prensa/archivo_grafico/galerias/2006/02/2006_02_10.html , http://www.map.es/prensa/notas_de_prensa/notas/2006/10/20061008 , http://apunteselectronicos.wordpress.com/2008/12/05/seguimos-esperando-el-teletrabajo-seguimos-perdiendo-eficiencia/

*Commercial services:

-Speedy teletrabajo (negocios): http://www.emprendedoresnews.com/notaR/teletrabajo___nuevo_servicio_de_telefonica_para_pymes-2376-4.html

-Telework Corporations: http://empresas.telefonica.es/asp/catalogo_servicios/comunicaciones_privadas/datos/teletrabajo/acceso.htm ; (facility based offers: business: workstation product: "integral workspace" starting from 95,61 €/month; for corporate segment the "outsourcing of workplace")

*teletrabajo TEF: http://www.telefonica.es/rc2006/telefonica/informe_rc/caseStudy3f1d.html?context=2760256&instanceid=2784039&lang=es&currentContext=2720018 , http://www.lukor.com/ordenadores/noticias/portada/06110308.htm , http://sociedaddelainformacion.telefonica.es/jsp/articulos/detalle.jsp?elem=106

*old news(emerging telework): http://www.elmundo.es/sudinero/noticias/act-10-3.html

*Asociación Española Teletrabajo: http://www.aet.es/

*libro "TELETRABAJO: Trabajar y vivir la red". 2004 http://www.fiap.org.es/aldia_1.htm

*The telecommuting imperative HBR: http://discussionleader.hbsp.com/hbreditors/2008/07/the_telecommuting_imperative.html -> article Journal of Applied Psychology ; Undress4Success--The Naked Truth About Working From Home (John Wiley & Sons, March 2009): http://undress4success.com/telework-pros-cons ; http://www.home2office.com/ http://www.home2office.com/themovie/

*Home Sweet Office http://www.wired.com/culture/culturereviews/magazine/16-10/st_essay -> researchers from Penn State analyzed 46 studies of telecommuting conducted over two decades and covering almost 13,000 employees ; more than $15,000 per year to provide an employee with 200 square feet of cubicle

*Spanish legislation: Proposición no de Ley sobre flexibilización de horarios y el teletrabajo como medida de conciliación personal, familiar y laboral (161/000320 Spanish Parliament)


It mentions an European Directive (not sure if European Flexible Working Directive…)




*More recently, when the U.S. Patent Office launched its hoteling-telework program in 2006, the organization mandated a training program with more than 20 hours of intensive, hands-on instruction




Beyond satellite and IP pay TV offers, now there are many online offerings to enjoy digital content without the need to previously download it, such as:

*TV channels (either online or recordings of own productions like serials already broadcasted): all the national public channels (Antena 3, Telecinco, TVE (1&2), Cuatro, la Sexta), regional channels (like ETBSat live broadcast),… Also outside Spain with BBC iPlayer (UK-only), Hulu (US-only http://www.hulu.com/),...

 -Hulu: than 100+ content providers, including FOX, NBC Universal, MGM, Sony Pictures Television, Warner Bros.... 900+ current primetime TV hits such as The Simpsons, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Office the morning after they air, classics like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The A Team, Airwolf and Married...with Children, movies like Men in Black, Ghostbusters, and The Karate Kid, and clips from Saturday Night Live, Friends and other popular TV shows and movies.

*TerraTV, ADNStream,… allow to watch online movies (and serials,…) free ad-based or pay per view

*Why Movies Disappear from iTunes and Netflix http://blog.wired.com/business/2008/12/itunes-netflix.html  Content industry probably has to rethink their distribution model (similar thing happened with online music)

*Progressively HD content is becoming available online 








sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2008

Google's Mayer: Staying Innovative In a Downturn


Business Week Online

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Google's Mayer: Staying Innovative In a Downturn
The mantra that's been flooding the Googleplex this year? 'Scarcity brings clarity,' explains Marissa Mayer, Google Vice-President

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2008's Best Books on Innovation


Business Week Online

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2008's Best Books on Innovation
We chose exciting new titles that tapped into important trends, provoked us, and delved into how to manage and monetize fresh ideas

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The Price of Forgoing Basic Research


Business Week Online

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The Price of Forgoing Basic Research
The trends that have seen scientific research move away from corporate labs and commercialized academia damage prospects for innovation and growth

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lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008

LA BIOMEDICINA EN ESPAÑA: No basta con investigar, también hay que innovar y patentar


Aunque la inversión española en investigación se incrementó un 16% en el año 2006, aún no es suficiente. Una mesa redonda sobre Biomedicina en España organizada recientemente en Madrid por la Fundación de Cajas de Ahorros (FUNCAS) ha puesto de manifiesto los retos que aún habrá que resolver para que los descubrimientos 'made in Spain' se traduzcan en patentes y en aplicaciones con beneficios directos para los pacientes.

El primero en intervenir fue Vitorino Valle, director general de Funcas, que subrayó precisamente la importancia estratégica de la biomedicina para el progreso económico y social. Después que él, Enrique de Álava, investigador del Centro de Investigación del Cáncer de Salamanca (CIC), aportó cifras y retos. Datos que indican que la participación española en la producción científica mundial se ha colocado entre los años 2002 y 2006 en el 3,25% del total; algo que, sin embargo, no se traduce en solicitudes de patentes (sólo el 0,62%); es decir, en la transferencia del conocimiento.

Según el investigador, la inversión nacional en I+D ronda los 11.000 millones de euros, lo que representa el 1,27% de nuestro Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) pero que aún sigue lejos del objetivo del 2% establecido para 2010. Tampoco el esfuerzo por comunidades es homogéneo, y sólo Madrid, Navarra y el País Vasco están cerca de esa cifra (seguidas de Cataluña, que ronda el 1,5%).

Por eso, de Álava enumeró algunos de las cuestiones que a su juicio habrá que mejorar para sacar partido a la investigación biomédica en España. Entre otras cosas, dijo, habrá que reforzar la investigación traslacional "para traer lo que pasa en los laboratorios a la cama del enfermo"; entre otras cosas, reforzando el esfuerzo investigador dentro de los hospitales. "La investigación básica y clínica en España siguen bastante separadas", denunció; "igual que lo están la investigación pública y la financiación o la innovación".

Transferencia de tecnología
El investigador se quejó del déficit de infraestructuras para llevar a cabo esa transferencia de tecnología, o de las trabas burocráticas y administrativas en las que a menudo tienen que perder el tiempo los científicos. Algo en lo que le dio la razón el recién nombrado director general de Terapias Avanzadas del Ministerio de Sanidad, Augusto Silva: "El investigador tiene que dedicarse a investigar, no a patentar. No puede hacer las dos cosas, pero tiene que tener a su lado a un señor que le ayude, que le diga cómo hacer la patente y que detecte a los científicos que tienen entre manos algo que es patentable".

De hecho, Silva anunciÓ que la próxima ley de ciencia que prepara el Ministerio de Cristina Garmendia pretende reforzar el peso de las patentes en el currículum de los investigadores, "para que no lo escondan, para que las transferencias tecnológicas aplicadas de sus descubrimientos pesen tanto como las publicaciones en revistas científicas". Porque como añadía Álava, "publicar es fácil, pero lograr algo útil para la sociedad exige algo más".

Para ello, como añadió Carlos Galmarini, de la compañía española PharmaMar, habrá que reforzar la formación de muchos científicos sobre cómo gestionar algunas fases de la investigación, sobre todo la búsqueda de financiación para sus proyectos. "Aquel que quiera ser investigador debería aprender a gestionar un proyecto, a presupuestar, para que quien evalúe su propuesta tenga claro qué se va a hacer con el dinero. Pero eso no se enseña en la universidad", recalcó.

Information Society Report 2008


viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008

patent power


miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2008



martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

Innovation Strategies for the Global Recession


domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008


*Roomba vacuum cleaner / Scooba floor washing
*ConnectR communications(virtual visiting)
*Create (programmable)
Company revenues:
Q3'2008 $92.4 million (44.8% growth)

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2008

Google Gears Down for Tougher Times

Marcial: Put Amazon in Your Shopping Cart


Business Week Online

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Marcial: Put Amazon in Your Shopping Cart
The e-tailing giant is expected to buck the retailing trend and grow robustly, thanks to improved shipping, a vast array of products, and expansion overseas

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IBM Predicts the Next Five Innovations to Watch in the Next Five Years


Blue Ocean Strategy

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2008

Does the U.S. Need a Dept. of Innovation?


lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2008

fundación de la innovacion bankinter


jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

An Article from Knowledge@Wharton

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The Net Impact of Netbooks? It Depends on Who Uses Them for What
Small, inexpensive netbooks -- portable computers smaller than notebooks but dependent on the Internet for file-storage and software -- are likely to have a disruptive impact on the PC industry, but there are many questions to resolve, experts say. Will netbooks poach sales of laptops? Are they replacements for smartphones? How will a weak economy affect sales? Will the devices increase the popularity of cloud computing? Stay tuned as this new technology continues to evolve.

Visit http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/index.cfm?fa=viewfeature&id=2107 for the complete story.

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Want to Crank Up Corporate Venture Capital Performance? Consider Matching Independent VC Pay Packages
Big firms launch venture capital units to help keep their competitive edge. But to be successful, they must set up the right incentive packages for their VC staff -- not a trivial task. Firms often structure internal VC staff salaries the same way they compensate corporate staffers not charged with taking such risk, says Wharton management professor Gary Dushnitsky. These firms should consider compensating their internal VCs like independent VCs, giving them a stake in the future returns of the ventures in which they invest, Dushnitsky says in a new research paper.

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Jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008



La reduccin del gasto de los consumidores
estadounidenses por la crisis financiera y la
incertidumbre econmica provoc en noviembre una cada
del 4% en las compras realizadas a travs de Internet, el primer
retroceso en la historia del comercio electrnico, segn comScore.

En concreto, los datos analizados por la consultora
especializada en comercio electrnico, que comenz a analizar el
sector en 2001, muestran que durante los 23 primeros das de
noviembre los consumidores de EEUU gastaron 8.190 millones de
dlares (6.358 millones de euros), un 4% menos que en el mismo
periodo de 2007.

"Pese al reciente alivio proporcionado a los consumidores por
el precio de la gasolina, la volatilidad del mercado burstil,
la debilidad del mercado inmobiliario y la fragilidad del
mercado laboral representan oscuros nubarrones sobre las cabezas
de los estadounidenses en esta temporada de compras", dijo el
presidente de comScore, Gian Fulgoni.

"Con la confianza baja y ms apreturas en los ingresos
disponibles, las primeras semanas de noviembre han sido muy
decepcionantes, lo que ha provocado el descenso interanual de
las ventas 'online', aunque puede ser que algunos consumidores
piensen esperar para realizar sus compras para aprovechar
posibles rebajas", aadi.

De este modo, la consultora estadounidense pronostica que el
gasto de los estadounidenses en compras realizadas a travs de
Internet ascender esta temporada navidea a 29.200 millones de
dlares (22.691 millones de euros), lo que supondra un
estancamiento respecto al ao pasado y muy por debajo del
crecimiento del 19% registrado en 2007 respecto a 2006.

Por otro lado, una encuesta elaborada semanalmente por ComScore
apunta que un 47% de los consumidores consultados apuntaron un
recorte en el nmero de regalos que compraran, mientras que un
46% de los encuestados dijo que comprara regalos de menor
precio. Adems, el 37% de los consumidores reconoci que
empleara ms tiempo en buscar mejores ofertas a travs de

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
(c) 2008, elmundo.es (http://www.elmundo.es/)

Management Innovation Gary Hamel






martes, 25 de noviembre de 2008

Can X Prizes Spur Innovation?


Business Week Online

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Can X Prizes Spur Innovation?
Contests such as Peter Diamandis' X Prizes offer big purses for breakthrough ideas. But can prize money do more to stimulate innovation than existing incentives?

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viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008

Joint R&D Projects ...

Arranz, N.; Arroyabe, J. C., "Joint R&D Projects as Complex Systems: A Framework of Analysis," Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on , vol.55, no.4, pp.552-565, Nov. 2008
Abstract: This paper proposes a model to analyze joint R&D projects from a systemic approach. We argue that joint R&D projects are an economic and organizational reality that can be studied through their two principal aspects: from the perspective of the process developed to fulfill the objectives of the project and from the point of view of the network of partners constituted to undertake the project. We define the joint R&D project as a sociotechnical system in interaction with its environment and explain it through three subsystems: technological, structural, and governance. Using a sample of 202 European institutions involved in a wide range of joint R&D projects, this study provides empirical evidence to explain joint R&D projects through the separate study of each subsystem and their characteristic variables. Our results show interrelatedness of subsystems and the factors that determine the structure and governance of joint projects, including practical implications that may be useful for their running and management.
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=4626394&isnumber=4653631

EC FP7 ICT 09-10


innovation metrics mckinsey

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

R&D 100


R&D Goes Global
R&D 100 Graph-o-Matic
Our annual R&D 100 list, compiled by Standard & Poor's, found that the developed nations still continue to dominate, with the United States, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom accounting for more than three-quarters of the R&D spending. Our
R&D 100 Graph-o-Matic gives you access to seven years' worth of spending data. 

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008

EADS Unveils Innovative Artificial Heart


Business Week Online

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EADS Unveils Innovative Artificial Heart
Airbus' parent designs a technologically advanced artificial heart for a spin-off company, Carmat. Within three years, the device could be approved for humans

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New Discovery Enables Simple, Inexpensive, and Efficient Storage of Solar Power

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

McKinsey Quarterly article: The ergonomics of innovation

The McKinsey Quarterly

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viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008

IEEE Spectrum Online: Car Talk

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Car Talk

Europe begins testing vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications systems

Read the full article at:

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008

Voices of Innovation 2008


Business Week Online

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Voices of Innovation 2008
This year's Voices of Innovation nominees challenge the status quo and represent the true optimistic spirit of innovation

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Radical Service Innovation


Business Week Online

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Radical Service Innovation
Strategies on the frontiers of service design demand a blend of creativity and discipline. Here are five steps to leverage positive results

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phone patent

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

New age of innovation (book)

"[Prahalad (senior author) is] the #1 most influential management thinker in the world" - Times (London)