martes, 10 de marzo de 2009

[TechInnov] Technology-Enabled Feedback on Domestic Energy Consumption: Articulating a Set of Design Concerns

Fitzpatrick, G.   Smith, G.  
Univ. of Sussex, Brighton;

This paper appears in: Pervasive Computing, IEEE
Publication Date: Jan.-March 2009
Volume: 8,  Issue: 1
On page(s): 37-44

This paper presents the technology enabled feedback on domestic energy consumption that promote awareness and lead to energy savings. This explore an activity-centric view of energy consumption in shared spaces, such as offices. While a focus on changed consumption outcomes will ultimately be the key test of a good device, more systematic user experience and design studies, across a range of settings, might provide more confidence that the devices we're designing are both fit to task and will be acceptable as well as usable. The authors articulate a set of design concerns that frame and focus ongoing research into user experience and more effective feedback

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